Our vision 

To see a city made new by the gospel: spiritually, socially, and culturally.

Spiritual renewal 
The gospel addresses the deepest sins, wounds, and spiritual distortions of our lives, reordering our hearts so that God is back at the center where he belongs. 

Social renewal 
The gospel heals the social distortions of our communities, unites diverse people in the love of Christ, and equips us to leverage our resources for the common good, especially the most vulnerable of society. 

Cultural renewal
Culture is what we make of the world (art, business, medicine, science, technology, government, media, etc.), along with the stories that give meaning to our making. The gospel renews our culture by giving us a new story to embody in our homes, vocations, and community.  

Our mission 

To make disciples who follow Jesus, love their neighbor, and serve the city.

Following Jesus 
Disciples of Jesus seek to know and love God, and to glorify him by following the way of Jesus in every area of their lives. 

Loving our neighbor 
Disciples of Jesus live and grow together through belonging to a community that devotes itself to prayer, the study of God’s word, sacrificial love for one another, and reaching out to our neighbors. 

Serving our city
Disciples of Jesus seek the renewal of the city by bearing witness to Jesus, working for justice and peace, and offering their resources and vocations for the flourishing of all. 

Our hope

Corporate worship that seeks the presence of God. 

  1. A congregation that reflects and is welcoming to the ethnic, economic, generational, cultural, and familial diversity of our neighborhood. 

  2. Biblically sound, spiritually formative, culturally contextualized teaching and preaching that awakens the imagination, renews the mind, touches the heart, and transforms lives. 

  3. Vibrant worship (music, prayers, word, sacraments) that exalts God as King, ushers worshipers into his presence, and bears compelling witness to spiritual inquirers. 

Deep community that transforms individuals, relationships, and society. 

  1. Discipleship that shapes people of all ages (including children) through counter-formational practices in the way of Jesus (e.g. prayer and other spiritual disciplines). 

  2. Smaller communities of disciples that sacrificially love and pray for one another and their neighbors. 

  3. Congregational practices of committed prayer, generosity, peace, mercy, justice, and care for our city, its citizens, and its social structures.

Gospel-shaped lives that awaken the imagination and conscience of a watching world. 

  1. Worship, teaching, preaching, discipleship, and community events that foster greater awareness of the cultural stories in society and cultivate deeper formation in the gospel-story. 

  2. Discipleship and formation that generate a gospel-shaped social, political, and vocational imagination and practice.

  3. Individual and corporate practices of evangelism and bearing witness to the crucified and risen Jesus.